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Halo Reach Undercity Visual Concept Part 2/3

Many of the visual concepts I've done for the Halo TV Series Season 2 back in 2021. This was my very first task when I was first brought on and I was asked to with come up with the look of the Reach City at sub-level, and trying to see from the point of view of the people living there at the ground level. The art direction and rough layout were provided by the Production Designer James Foster. Initially I was asked to explore the look during day time but the story was changed later (Check out Part 1/3) These visuals used some quick 2.5 projection mapping with the location photos provided by the production as a base to find composition. The location was not chosen at the end, but they were an important iteration to contribute to the final set design shown in Part 3.

Underground Arcane Level 01

Underground Arcane Level 01

Underground Arcane Level 02

Underground Arcane Level 02

Reach City Sub Level Night

Reach City Sub Level Night